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October/November 2001 IBEW Journal

In Memory

Joseph DiPilato

Lester Marino
Thomas Ashton Robert Caufield
Salvatore Fiumefreddo Jose "Joe" Martinez
James Cartier Michael Lowe
Harvey Hermer Robert Pattison
Steven Jacobson Isaias Rivera
Kenneth White Jeffrey Shaw
Ralph Licciardi Joseph Romagnolo
Steven Strauss Glenn Travers, Sr.
Gerard "Rod" Coppola Charles Lucania

From Grief to Duty

IBEW Mourns Losses As Attacks Hit Home p3.jpg (10930 bytes) IBEW Local Helps Repair USS Cole
  IBEW 36th Convention, September 10-14, 2001  San Francisco, California 

 Meet the Delegates

PreConvention Activity

Sept. 7-9  Expo '01

Sept. 7  Political/ Legislative Conference

Sept. 8  110 Anniversary Celebration

Sept. 8  Minority Caucus

From Start to Finish,
36th Convention Puts IBEW Pride,
Determination on Display

Opening Day - Monday

Day 2 - Tuesday

Day 3 - Wednesday

Day 4 - Thursday

Day 5 - Friday

Windows Media
Sept 7  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
Sept 8  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
Sept 10 AM  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
PM  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
Keynote  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
Sept 11 AM  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
PM  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
Sept 12 AM  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
 PM  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
Sept 13 AM  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
PM  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
Sept 14  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup

IBEW Success Stories

Windows Media

Story 1  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
Story 2  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
Story 3  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
Story 4  DSL/Cable 56K Dialup
