LU: 743   Jurisdiction: PA   Updated: 8/26/2024
Classification: Inside Journeyman Wireman   Referal Hrs: 8 AM - 5 PM Mon to Fri
Scale: 42.02   Assessments: 5% of Gross Wages
Pension I: 0.00   Pension II:    Annuity: 10.50
Vacation: 1.00   Health & Welfare: 12.75
Book I Status: Promising   Book I Count: 67
Book II Status: Slow   Book II Count: 17
Details:  We currently have 67 Journeymen signing Book I and 17 Journeyman signing Book II. Call our office for availability on upcoming job calls.
Local Contact Info:
City/State: Reading, PA  Address: 20 Morgan Drive
Phone: (610) 777-3100   Email:   Website:

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