The Electrical Worker online
June 2018

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A Crafty Lineman Tribute

I'm a 38-year member working for SoCal Edison, and I've created a utility pole lamp that is my original design. I wanted to create a work of art representing my proud line of work. The lamps are 11 and 15 inches tall and come in single and double line arms with miniature glass insulators. Wood crafting is my side hobby, and I wanted to share this with my IBEW brothers and sisters.

Steven Salido, Local 47 member
Diamond Bar, Calif.


Time to Pay For What We Spend

President Trump's tax bill is going to cost more than $150 billion in lost revenue every year, leaving future generations with more and more of our debt. You can't pay for things by printing money! It affects inflation, interest and unemployment rates. At some point, this sort of irresponsible behavior from our elected officials is going to cause another recession or worse. That's bad news for IBEW members. Bad times are coming if we keep kicking the can down the road. It's time to hold these politicians accountable.

George O. Curry, Local 126 retiree

IBEW_Facebook  From Facebook: Every month the IBEW Facebook page receives thousands of comments from our dynamic and engaged community of members and friends.

Sisterhood Rising

[Responding to "Women's Committees Empowering the Sisterhood," May Electrical Worker]:

I know and have worked with lots of my sister electricians. Lots of them are better than the guys, because they have to be. Much love and respect.

Michael Webster, Local 6 member
San Francisco

I've worked with IBEW sisters that could work as hard as any man. All members make the same wages, get the same benefits and retirement plans. It's a great career. My dad and I both retired from Local 481. Union by choice!

Michael Moore, Local 481 retiree

Saving Nuclear Power

[In response to "IBEW and Partners Working to Save Pennsylvania, Ohio Nukes" of this issue]:

Keep writing letters and emails to your local officials. It made a difference in New York.

Kevin King, Local 97 member
Syracuse, N.Y.