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Tentative National Railroad Agreement Set For Ratification Vote

August 6, 2007

From International President Ed Hill:

"As I advised you last week, on July 17 we reached a tentative agreement with the nation’s freight railroads.  This agreement is now being prepared to go out to the membership for ratification.  This process has taken a bit longer than usual due to the fact that ratification process is being handled in a new fashion.  For the first time, I have decided, with the concurrence of your General Chairmen, to mail the contract, along with a summary and ballot, directly to the home of every individual member.  Not only will this process assure ratification uniformity across all System Councils, it will also ensure that each and every one of you receives a contract and a ballot and is given an opportunity to vote."

"In anticipation of the agreement packages being mailed to your homes sometime this week, I am posting a summary of the tentative agreement on our website for your review.  Once you receive your copy of the tentative agreement, if you have any questions pertaining to it please don’t hesitate to contact your General Chairman or IBEW Railroad Department Director Bill Bohné at Bill_Bohne@IBEW.org."


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