October 2005 IBEW Journal
L.U. 6 (c,i,o,st&u), SAN FRANCISCO, CA—June was quite a busy month in Local 6 with election of officers, the ratification of the Inside Wireman’s contract, and hosting this year’s Ninth District Progress Meeting. Officers re-elected to their positions are: Bus. Mgr./Fin.Sec. John O’Rourke, Pres. Terry McKenna, Vice Pres. Henry Hinds and Executive Board member Steve Passanisi. New officers elected are: Rec. Sec. Rich Bamberger, Treas. Frank O’Rourke; Executive Board members Phil A. Farrelly, Jeff Hawthorne, Kevin Shannon and Bob Van Koll; and Examining Board members John Langley, Dave McCarroll, Chantel Childs, Dave Sheals and Mike Olson. Shortly after officer elections, the Unit I inside wiremen voted to accept a four-year contract with the San Francisco Electrical Contractors Association. During the week of the Ninth District Progress Meeting, Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill and Int. Sec.-Treas. Jon F. Walters joined Local 6 officers and staff and the San Francisco Building Trades for a dedication in downtown San Fransicso of the historic site of the first commercial electric power station in the United States. Jeff Sweeney, P.S.
L.U. 8 (i&mt), TOLEDO, OH—On June 3, 2005, Local 8 welcomed IBEW Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill and NECA Regional Dir. Richard Parenti for an important industry wide seminar. Some 1,300 Local 8 members, contractors, estimators and project managers attended the presentation, entitled “It’s In Your Hands,” at the Seagate Convention Centre in Toledo. Both Pres. Hill and Mr. Parenti delivered straightforward speeches with passion and frankness. Concerned about lost work opportunities, they specifically detailed the inadequacies of both the rank and file and the contractors with respect to those losses. Undeniably, Pres. Hill made it absolutely clear that changes must be made in such areas as work performance, dress codes and attitude. In June, a handful of Local 8 members joined an all-union team for a Habitat for Humanity project in Monroe, MI. The single-family home was roughed-in by the volunteers in one day. About a week later, two days of trim-out completed the electrical portion of the project. The work situation, as of this writing, has improved substantially. Additionally, there are still several sizable projects planned to start this year. Jim Szczerbiak, P.S.
L.U. 20 (em,i,mt,o,spa,t&u), DALLAS-FORT WORTH, TX—The North Texas Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee held its annual completion dinner at the Sheraton Grand Hotel May 21, 2005. The “Outstanding Apprentice Award” presented by the IBEW went to Jeffrey Hinojosa and the “Outstanding Apprentice Award” presented by NECA went to William Langford. These awards are presented to a graduating apprentice for an overall outstanding performance during the five-years of training. The local presents an award to an outstanding apprentice in each class year. “Gold Pliers Award” recipients were: Barry Sargent (1st year), Benard Davis (2nd year), Willard Nelson (3rd year) and Keith DeLange (4th year). NECA “Achievement Awards” for an outstanding apprentice in each class year went to: Barry Sargent (1st year), Benard Davis (2nd year), Willard Nelson (3rd year) and Keith DeLange (4th year). The Local 20 Dallas Federal Credit Union’s “Frank Wilson Award” recipients were: Jason Allen (1st year), Anthony Smith (2nd year), Steven Henninger (3rd year), Dean Heasley (4th year) and Jeffrey Hinojosa (5th year). The Ft. Worth Federal Credit Union presented awards to deserving graduating apprentices William Langford and Jeffrey Hinojosa. Five-year “Perfect Attendance Awards” went to: Steven Bolt, Kevin Bowers, James Chumley Jr., James Forman, Jeffrey Hinojosa, William Langford, Marcos Landa, Paul Pointer and Shawn Scott. Larry Billman, Asst. B.M.
L.U. 26 (ees,em,es,govt,i&mt), WASHINGTON, DC—Congratulations to our Credit Union on its 50th anniversary. At the April celebration June Creamer, with the Credit Union since 1957, received a special award. Chartered in 1955, the FCU was organized by a small group of electricians who met on Saturdays to conduct Credit Union business. Claude Creamer was a founder; he brought his son Harry into the Credit Union in 1957. The Credit Union operated out of June and Harry Creamer’s basement from 1958-69, and then moved to N. Capitol Street. Over the years, it has loaned nearly $68 million on more than 36,000 loans. It serves 4,271 members and has reached nearly $22 million in assets. Local 26 congratulates 2005 scholarship winners: Jennifer M. Decker, daughter of Bro. Paul Decker; and Michael S. Farrell, son of Bro. Richard Farrell Jr. There were many outstanding applicants, and we wish every one the best in their future endeavors. Recently retired brothers are: James DiMuzio, Elmer D. Frank, William F. Bradley, Anthony E. Jackson, Robert L. Peaper, William Woodruff, Michael Nagy, Keith B. Wheeler, Sherman R. Anderson and Garrett D. Mooney. We mourn the deaths of: Bros. Larry Keeney Jr. and Barry McDonald, and retired Bros. Arthur Bonner, Gilbert A. Martz and Donald Belt. Charles E. Graham, B.M.
L.U. 32 (i&u), LIMA, OH—Our local recently held its election of officers. Newly elected officers are: Bus. Mgr. Jerry Dickrede, Pres. Larry Cox, Vice Pres. Mark Williams, Rec. Sec. Todd Hoersten, and Executive Board members Mike Bockey, Larry Kroeger, Greg Taylor, Adam Willliams and Ken Weadock. Congratulations to all. A big thank-you to Dave Smith, past business manager for nine years, for his service to the local. Work has been slow the last few years but hopefully we will turn the corner to more jobs by late this year. The apprenticeship graduation was held Aug. 18, 2005. Congratulations to all the graduates. Bob Hartings was honored as “Outstanding Apprentice of 2005.” Larry Kroeger, P.S. |