March 2005 IBEW Journal
Jeremiah J. OConnor, International
Secretary-Treasurer of the IBEW since 2001, retired
from the Brotherhoods second highest elected office
effective March 1, 2005. Jon F. Walters, International
Vice President of the Eighth District, was appointed
by International President Edwin D. Hill to complete
the remainder of OConnors term, and the appointment
was ratified by the International Executive Council
on February 2, 2005. Jerry OConnor consistently has championed the union
cause of justice for working people throughout a distinguished
IBEW career. Highly regarded throughout the union,
Secretary-Treasurer OConnors record is one of dynamic
advocacy on behalf of all workers. His tenure reflects
a legacy of singular achievement and unswerving dedication
to the IBEW and its members. Most notably, OConnor
is recognized for his diligent work, in close partnership
with International President Edwin D. Hill, to build
the strength of IBEW pension funds, advance the IBEWs
political programs and expand training and organizing
was sworn in as International Secretary-Treasurer on
January 29, 2001, following his appointment by International
President Hill and confirmation by the IEC.
OConnor at a gathering
with members of the Sixth District staff.
On September 10, 2001, OConnor was elected Secretary-Treasurer
at the IBEWs 36th International Convention,
held in San Francisco, California. At that San Francisco
convention, Brother OConnors admirable leadership
qualities were on display as he, President Hill and
fellow International Officers guided convention proceedings
forward in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Notably, the 36th Convention was the first
in the history of the IBEW to elect an International
Secretary-Treasurer. The offices of International Secretary
and International Treasurer were combined in 1998 following
a membership referendum to alter the IBEW Constitution
to create the combined position.
enjoys time on the slopes.
OConnor served with distinction for five years as
International Vice President of the Sixth District
covering the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,
Minnesota and Wisconsin. Appointed to that post on
November 1, 1995, by then-IBEW International President
John J. Barry, OConnor was unanimously elected IVP
at the 35th International Convention in
1996. Under OConnors leadership, the Sixth District
consisted of 146,000 members, 142 local unions and
17 International Representatives. Under his leadership,
the district made major advances in education, training
and organizing, targeting all branches.
OConnor was appointed IBEW International Representative
assigned to the Sixth District staff in January 1987.
He served construction, utility, manufacturing and
broadcasting local unions. With an ongoing dedication
to education, he also taught courses in construction
organizing and leadership training. He also served
for a brief period in the Construction Department at
the International Office.
Born in Chicago, Illinois, on June 5, 1934, OConnor
is often described as a true son of Americas Midwest
heartland. He is admired for his steady, down-to-earth
leadership style. Consistent in his strong and impassioned
defense of working people, OConnor is recognized as
an excellent public speaker. Over the years he has
inspired countless IBEW members to carry forward the
proud IBEW tradition in the fight for justice. Known
for his bright sense of humor and ready smile, theres
nothing OConnor wouldnt do to help out a union brother
or sister.

Instructor Jerry J.
OConnor (back row, center) with
Apprentice Graduating Class of 1967.
OConnor began his IBEW career as an apprentice with Local
701, Lisle, Illinois, in the western part of
the Chicago area, on March 15, 1959. He went on to
serve Local
701 as business manager/financial secretary from
1978-87. Early in his IBEW career, OConnor was a
journeyman inside wireman, foreman and general foreman.
He was the locals assistant business manager from
1965-1978 and served on major local union committees.
He was an apprentice instructor for the DuPage County
IBEW/NECA Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee
for 10 years.
While at the local, OConnor also held numerous labor-wide
posts. He served as president of the DuPage County
Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO. He was president of the
DuPage County Building Trades Council, AFL-CIO, and
served on Prevailing Wage and Code Enforcement committees.
OConnor consistently has promoted training and education.
Devoted to community service, OConnors activities
included work with the Red Cross and the United Way.
Prior to beginning his IBEW career, OConnor served
a two-year stint in the U.S. Army, from 1953-1955.
He is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He
also rode in the rodeo circuit for four years, riding
broncos (bareback and saddle) and bulls.
Brother OConnor resides in Arlington, Virginia. He
has two daughters, Deborah Shultz and Dianne LeBreux,
five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
OConnors retirement to the I.O. staff, President Hill
stated: "Jerry and I have been working partners
for over four years, and my sadness is that I will miss
him and my happiness is knowing that he will now be able
to kick back and enjoy life."
you, partner."
As Jerry OConnor concludes an honorable IBEW career
of distinguished, dedicated service, the entire Brotherhood
owes him a debt of gratitude and extends every good
wish for a happy and healthy retirement.
