March 2004 IBEW Journal
L.U. 1505 (em), WALTHAM, MABoston was one of the cities the IBEW sponsored for the Dec. 10, 2003, nationwide labor rallies and marches to fight for workers rights. In 64 cities across the country, tens of thousands of union activists and allies rallied for the event, held on International Human Rights Day. Boston had the largest labor rally in the United States with over 7,000 union members from across New England marching from the Boston Common to the city office of the National Labor Relations Board. Dedicated trade unionists from Local 1505 were proud to join with more than 2,500 IBEW brothers and sisters committed to fairness in the workplace. Marchers targeted the NLRB to publicize the boards failure to protect workers who try to form a union. Participating activists also pressed for passage of newly introduced legislation on Capitol Hill (the Employee Free Choice Act) and on Beacon Hill to give workers the right to join a union without the threat from employers of losing our jobs. The Dec. 10 event was a great successand we still have much work to do to regain justice in our workplaces. Betty LaPointe, P.S. L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GAThe condition of our country is such that Brothers and sisters across the entire nation are looking for work. In three years the Bush regime has decimated the viable economy we once enjoyed and that so many took for granted. There is light at the end of the tunnel, however, as 2004 is the year we remove the regime that is fixated on destroying the American way. Bush administration policies have proven inimical to the best interests of our countrythat is unless youre a corporate board member/high official, one of the top 10 percent of wage earners/inheritors/investors, an environmental polluter, a high official of the military/industrial complex or a high-grade/high-paid employee of the Bush administration. Brothers and Sisters, the weight of America is on our shoulderswe must not fall short. We cannot afford to sit in the comfort of our homes and hope that change will come without our involvement. We must assume the cause, as our forefathers have done. We must work to ensure that everyone of eligible voting age is registered, informed and votes. Dennis G. Rocque, Org.
L.U. 1701 (catv,ees,i,o&u), OWENSBORO, KYAt our October 2003 monthly meeting, Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Harold Baggett announced his retirement effective the end of February 2004. As business manager since 1977, Harolds leadership and negotiation abilities have served this local well and will be missed. We thank you, Bro. Baggett, for your dedicated service. We wish you well in your retirement yearsyour work will not be forgotten. The Executive Board appointed Pres./Organizer Gary Osborne to fill the business manager/financial secretary vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term. Bro. Osborne reports that we have signed our first residential contractor and now have a new residential agreement. We welcome Bro. Dan Vincent and Vincent Electric and we hope to get back our market share in the residential area. Local 1701 was recognized by the Daviess County Parks Department at the November 2003 Panther Creek Park Christmas display lighting ceremony. Thanks to Bros. Bill OBryan, Estil Woodward and all members who donated their time on the project. Service pins were presented at the November 2003 meeting. Award recipients were: 55-year members Robert Clark and James Weakley; 50-year members Clarence Elder, Dick Elder and Paul Puckett; 45-year member Ron Lynch; 40-year members Kelly Brey, Jerry Howton, Mike Roby and Charlie Daugherty; 30-year members Estil Woodward, Danny Hendrix, Jesse Boling, Larry Roby, Bill OBryan and Carroll Bud Leggett; 25-year members David Carrico and Byron Hunt; and 20-year member Pat Cureton. With sadness we report the passing of Bro. David Heltsley. Tim Blandford, P.S.
L.U. 1739 (i&o), BARRIE, ON, CANADAIn 2003, many of us had to travel to other locals to find employment. We are grateful to our sister locals that have welcomed and shared their work with us. At least six of our traveling members served as foremen. It is a credit to the Brotherhood that the efforts and talents of our brothers and sisters can be recognized and utilized in this way in other jurisdictions. We are proud of the way our members represented Local 1739 while on the road. I also salute the generosity and compassion of our membership in reaching out to others less fortunate than we are. Last year again we voted to make financial contributions to aid the Christmas efforts of several local charities. St. Margarets Kitchen in Midland marked its 10th anniversary at the close of 2003, and Local 1739 has been a consistent supporter over these years. Thanks to all for making Christmas brighter for so many again. I recently attended a safety awareness upgrade class using our halls fine training facilities. Many members deserve our appreciation for time given to prepare and present training seminars for everyone. Bill Carson Sr., P.S. |